Applications (12)
Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete sections in bending
The applications in this part help to design concrete cross-sections in bending using Eurocode 2.
They could be used for both building and bridge structures.

Bending at the ultimate limit state
- b1. Longitudinal reinforcements of a rectangular section in bending at the ULS, Asc and As
- b2. Tensile reinforcement As of a rectangular section in bending at the ULS with known compression reinforcement Asc
- b3. Ultimate moment of resistance of a rectangular section in bending, MRd
- b4. T-section in bending at the ULS: the longitudinal reinforcements Asc and As
- b5. Ultimate moment of resistance of a T-section in bending at the ULS, MRd
Bending at the serviceability limit state
- b6. Moment of resistance of an uncracked rectangular section in bending at the SLS, Mct,ser
- b7. Moment of resistance of an uncracked T-section in bending at the SLS, Mct,ser
- b8. Stresses of a rectangular section in bending at the SLS, σc and σs
- b9. Longitudinal reinforcements of a rectangular section in bending at the SLS, Asc and As
- b10. Tensile reinforcement of a rectangular section in bending at the SLS with known compression reinforcement, As
- b11. Moment of resistance of a rectangular section in bending at the SLS by stress limitation, Mser
- b12. Stresses of a T-section in bending at the SLS, σc and σs