Applications (48)
Eurocode 2 part 1-1: Design of concrete structures
Applications help to calculate the most required parameters of the Eurocodes.
The applications for this Eurocode are listed below. They are classified by topic.

- 3.1.2 (5) Concrete compressive strength at an age of t days, fck(t)
- 3.1.2 (6) Mean value of concrete compressive strength at an age of t days, fcm(t)
- 3.1.2 (9) Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete at an age of t days, fctm(t)
- 3.1.3 (2) Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days according to the type of aggregates used, Ecm
- 3.1.3 (3) Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete at an age of t days, Ecm(t)
- 3.1.4 (2) Creep coefficient defining creep between times t and t0, φ(t,t0)
- 3.1.4 (6) Total shrinkage strain at an age t, εcs
- 3.1.7 (3) Rectangular stress distribution for the design of concrete cross-sections: the factors λ, η
- 3.2.7 (2) Stress in reinforcing steel depending on its strain, σs
- 3.3.2 (7) Relaxation loss of prestressing steel, Δσpr
- (6.76) Design fatigue strength of concrete fcd,fat
Cover, structural class
Prestressed members
- 5.10.6 (2) Time dependent losses of prestress due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation, ΔPc+s+r
- (2) Equivalent time to cater for the effects of the heat treatment on the prestress loss, teq
- 10.5.2 (1) Thermal loss of prestress during the heat curing of precast concrete elements, ΔPθ
Structural analysis
- 5.2 (5) Geometric imperfections: the inclination θi
- (1) Simplified criterion for second order effects of isolated members: the slenderness λlim following the EN Eurocode recommendation
- (1) Analysis of second order effects with axial load: the nominal stiffness EI
- (3) Method of analysis for second order effects, based on nominal curvature: the nominal second order moment M2
- Method of analysis for second order effects, based on nominal curvature: the curvature 1/r
Shear resistance
- 6.2.2 (1) Design value for the shear resistance for members not requiring design shear reinforcement, VRd,c
- 6.2.3 (3) Design value for the shear resistance of members with vertical shear reinforcement, VRd
- 6.2.3 (4) Design value for the shear resistance of members with inclined shear reinforcement, VRd
- 6.2.4 (3) Shear between web and flanges: the transverse reinforcement per unit length Asf/sf and crushing of the compressive structs in the flanges
Torsion and shear
- 6.3.2 (3) Longitudinal reinforcement for pure torsional moment, ΣAsl
- 6.3.2 (4) Resistance of members subjected to torsion and shear
- 6.3.2 (5) Resistance of rectangular solid sections subjected to torsion and shear: the condition for minimum reinforcement
Punching shear
- 6.4.4 (1) Punching shear resistance of a slab without shear reinforcement, vRd,c
- 6.4.4 (2) Punching shear resistance of a column base without shear reinforcement, vRd
- 6.4.5 (1) Punching shear resistance of slabs and column bases with shear reinforcement, vRd,cs
Crack and deflection
- 7.3.2 (2) Crack control: the minimum reinforcement area As,min
- 7.3.4 Calculation of crack widths wk
- 7.4.2 (2) Deflection control: the limit span/depth l/d for omitting calculations
- 7.4.3 (3) Deformation of non-fully cracked members which are subjected mainly to flexure, α
- 7.4.3 (6) Calculation of deflections: the shrinkage curvature 1/rcs
Detailing of reinforcement
- 8.4.2 (2) Anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement: the ultimate bond stress fbd
- 8.4.3 (2) Anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement: the basic anchorage length lb,rqd
- 8.4.4 (1) Anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement: the design anchorage length lbd
- 8.6 (2) Anchorage capacity of one welded transverse bar following the EN Eurocode recommendation, Fbtd
- 8.7.3 (1) Design lap length l0
- (1) Beams: the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement following the EN Eurocode recommendation, As,min
- 9.2.2 (5) Beams: the ratio of shear reinforcement ρw
- 9.5.2 (2) Columns: the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement following the EN Eurocode recommendation, As,min
Lightweight concrete
- 11.6.1 (1) Lightweight concrete members not requiring design shear reinforcement: the design shear resistance VlRd,c
- (1) Punching shear resistance of a lightweight concrete slab without shear reinforcement, vlRd,c
- (2) Punching shear resistance of a lightweight concrete column base without shear reinforcement, vlRd
- (1) Punching shear resistance of lightweight concrete slabs and column bases with shear reinforcement, vlRd,cs