Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
Section 5: Structural analysis
Eurocode 2 part 1-1 gives a general basis for the design of structures in plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal and lightweight aggregates together with specific rules for buildings.

For this part, we have:
- 48 applications
- 120 NDPs with 7 National Annexes: United Kingdom - BS, Denmark - DK, France - NF, Finland - SFS, Switzerland - SN, Sweden - SS, Italy - UNI.
The applications and NDPs are accessible directly via the main menu above. You can also explore them by section through the table of contents below.
5 Structural analysis
- 5.2 (5) Geometric imperfections: the inclination θi
- (1) Simplified criterion for second order effects of isolated members: the slenderness λlim following the EN Eurocode recommendation
- (1) Analysis of second order effects with axial load: the nominal stiffness EI
- (3) Method of analysis for second order effects, based on nominal curvature: the nominal second order moment M2
- Method of analysis for second order effects, based on nominal curvature: the curvature 1/r
- 5.10.6 (2) Time dependent losses of prestress due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation, ΔPc+s+r
Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)
- 5.1.3 (1)P Simplified load arrangements for structural analysis
- 5.2 (5) Basic value of the geometric imperfections θ0
- 5.5 (4) Moment redistribution without explicit check on the rotation capacity: the values of k1, k2, k3, k4, k5 and k6
- 5.6.3 (4) Basic value of allowable rotation θpl,d in plastic analysis
- (1) Simplified criterion for second order effects of isolated members: the slenderness λlim
- (1) Simplified criterion for global second order effects in buildings: the value of k1
- (2) Simplified criterion for global second order effects in buildings: the value of k2
- 5.8.5 (1) Choice of methods of second order analysis
- 5.8.6 (3) General method of second order analysis: the value of γCE
- 5.10.1 (6) Choice of methods to avoid the brittle failure of prestressed members
- (1)P Maximum stressing force during tensioning: the values of k1 and k2
- (2) Overstressing force during tensioning: the value of k3
- (4) Limitation of concrete stress during tensioning in steps: the values of k4 and k5
- (5) Increase of concrete compressive stress at time of transfer of prestress by pre-tensioning: the value of k6
- 5.10.3 (2) Initial prestress force applied to the concrete: the values of k7 and k8
- 5.10.8 (2) Increase of the stress from the effective prestress to the stress in the ULS Δσp,ULS
- 5.10.8 (3) Effects of prestressing at ULS: the values of γΔP,sup and γΔP,inf
- 5.10.9 (1)P Effects of prestressing at SLS and limit state of fatigue: the values of rsup and rinf