Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
Section 3: Materials
Eurocode 2 part 1-1 gives a general basis for the design of structures in plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal and lightweight aggregates together with specific rules for buildings.

For this part, we have:
- 48 applications
- 120 NDPs with 7 National Annexes: United Kingdom - BS, Denmark - DK, France - NF, Finland - SFS, Switzerland - SN, Sweden - SS, Italy - UNI.
The applications and NDPs are accessible directly via the main menu above. You can also explore them by section through the table of contents below.
3 Materials
- 3.1.2 (5) Concrete compressive strength at an age of t days, fck(t)
- 3.1.2 (6) Mean value of concrete compressive strength at an age of t days, fcm(t)
- 3.1.2 (9) Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete at an age of t days, fctm(t)
- 3.1.3 (2) Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days according to the type of aggregates used, Ecm
- 3.1.3 (3) Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete at an age of t days, Ecm(t)
- 3.1.4 (2) Creep coefficient defining creep between times t and t0, φ(t,t0)
- 3.1.4 (6) Total shrinkage strain at an age t, εcs
- 3.1.7 (3) Rectangular stress distribution for the design of concrete cross-sections: the factors λ, η
- 3.2.7 (2) Stress in reinforcing steel depending on its strain, σs
- 3.3.2 (7) Relaxation loss of prestressing steel, Δσpr
Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)
- 3.1.2 (2)P Maximum value of concrete strength classes Cmax
- 3.1.2 (4) Design concrete strength after 28 days: the value of kt
- 3.1.6 (1)P Design compressive strength of concrete: the coefficient αcc
- 3.1.6 (2)P Design tensile strength of concrete: the value of αct
- 3.2.2 (3)P Yield strength range of reinforcing steel for the validity of design and detailing rules
- 3.2.7 (2) Design assumptions for reinforcement steel: the strain limit εud
- 3.3.4 (5) Adequate ductility in tension of prestressing steel: the value of k
- 3.3.6 (7) Design assumptions for prestressing tendons: the strain limit εud