Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
Section 9: Detailing of members
Eurocode 2 part 1-1 gives a general basis for the design of structures in plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal and lightweight aggregates together with specific rules for buildings.

For this part, we have:
- 48 applications
- 120 NDPs with 7 National Annexes: United Kingdom - BS, Denmark - DK, France - NF, Finland - SFS, Switzerland - SN, Sweden - SS, Italy - UNI.
The applications and NDPs are accessible directly via the main menu above. You can also explore them by section through the table of contents below.
9 Detailing of members
- (1) Beams: the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement following the EN Eurocode recommendation, As,min
- 9.2.2 (5) Beams: the ratio of shear reinforcement ρw
- 9.5.2 (2) Columns: the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement following the EN Eurocode recommendation, As,min
Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)
- (1) Beams: the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement As,min
- (3) Beams: the maximum area of longitudinal reinforcement As,max
- (1) Beams: the ratio of bending moment at supports in monolithic contruction β1
- (1) Beams: the ratio of bottom reinforcement area at an end supports for anchorage β2
- 9.2.2 (4) Beams: the ratio of links in shear reinforcement β3
- 9.2.2 (5) Beams: the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement ρw,min
- 9.2.2 (6) Beams: the maximum longitudinal spacing between shear assemblies sl,max
- 9.2.2 (7) Beams: the maximum longitudinal spacing of bent-up bars sb,max
- 9.2.2 (8) Beams: the maximum transverse spacing of the legs in a series of shear links st,max
- (3) Solid slabs: the maximum spacing of flexural reinforcement bars smax,slabs
- 9.5.2 (1) Columns: the minimum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement Φmin
- 9.5.2 (2) Columns: the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement As,min
- 9.5.2 (3) Columns: the maximum area of longitudinal reinforcement As,max
- 9.5.3 (3) Columns: the maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement scl,tmax
- 9.6.2 (1) Walls: the minimum and maximum areas of vertical reinforcement As,vmin, As,vmax
- 9.6.3 (1) Walls: the minimum area of horizontal reinforcement As,hmin
- 9.7 (1) Deep beams: the minimum area of distribution reinforcement As,dbmin
- 9.8.1 (3) Foundations: the minimum diameter of reinforcement bars in pile caps Φmin
- (1) Foundations: the minimum diameter of reinforcement bars in column and wall footings Φmin
- 9.8.3 (1) Foundations: the minimum diameter of the reinforcement bars resisting bending moments Φmin
- 9.8.3 (2) Foundations: the minimum downward load for tie beams design q1
- 9.8.4 (1) Foundations: the limiting ground pressure q2 and the minimum diameter of reinforcement bars Φmin for column footing on rock
- 9.8.5 (3) Foundations: the minimum longitudinal reinforcement in bored piles As,bpmin
- (2) Tying systems: the tensile force on peripheral ties - the values of q1 and Q2
- (3) Tying systems: the tensile force on internal ties Ftie,int
- (4) Tying systems: the minimum force on an internal beam line - the values of q3 and Q4
- (2) Tying systems: the tensile force resistances of horzontal ties and columns ftie,fac, Ftie,col